FEES for Calendar Year 2024
Membership: $500/year ($355 after July 16, $240 after Sept. 1)
Rack Space Inside: $400/year
Rack Space Outside: $125/season Outside
Full-year membership term is January to December
To join Yankee Rowing Club, DOWNLOAD and complete the simple 2 page application form, and mail, with your check, to:
Yankee Rowing Club
P.O. Box 1451
Northampton, MA 01061
To join our email list please visit our Groups.io page and join with your email address.
To arrange a visit to the boathouse and learn about Yankee Rowing’s facilities, policies and programs — contact us at (413) 586-2724, (617) 515-0503 or at YankeeRowing@gmail.com
To row a club boat, members are required to use an on-line reservation system.
To make a reservation, please follow this link.
Club boats available for member use:
4 : Peinert 1X 25s
1 : Peinert 1X 26s
1 : Fluidesign 1X midweight
2 : Maas Aeros
1 : Fluidesign double
Safety Guidelines:
As always, we ask members to put safety first on the river. Here are some reminders:
Please be extra careful on the water, keeping an eye out for other boats,
buoys, trees, rocks, sandbars and bridges near and behind you.
Please stay on the appropriate side of the river while rowing:
Going upstream – stay toward the Hadley side of the river.
Going downstream – stay toward the Northampton/Hatfield side of the river.
Be extra careful when rowing under the bridges as it can be hard to see boats behind you there, and cross-currents and eddies can make rowing there difficult.
There are no simple guidelines to determine when it is (relatively) safe to row.
River flow speed and level, wind speed and wind direction, water and air temperature,
precipitation and visibility conditions, the particular boat being rowed,
and, of course, rower experience and skill, are all relevant factors.
That said, by way of some general guidelines, we recommend that rowers
check the river conditions regularly at the National Weather Service Montague gauge,
and we ask that club members not row in club boats when the flow speed measurement
at the National Weather Service Montague gauge is above 21 kcfs
(i.e., 21 thousand cubic feet per second).
You can look at the recent Montague gauge measurements HERE
(The flow speed numbers are along the right hand side of the graph.
The blue line on the left half of the graph is the observed flow over
the past three days, and the maroon line on the right half of the
graph is the forecast flow for the next three days.
The accuracy of the forecasts can vary considerably.)
Another helpful site with related information, including measurements for
the past 120 days and historical averages is HERE
You can get up-to-date weather information HERE
Row safe!
Boathouse Guidlines
• Whenever you row, be sure to sign in/out in the logbook.
• Guests of club members must fill out and sign a liability waiver form. (They’re on the bulletin board to the left of the logbook.)
• If there is a problem or damage regarding any club boats or equipment, let Craig know about it at 215-410-2554.
• Club boats must be hosed down and toweled off before being returned to their rack.
• Club boats use club oars only. Don’t borrow private oars.
• Return all tools you use to their proper place.
• Don’t appropriate club equipment for ongoing use on private boats/equipment.
• Use milk crates on the dock for shoes—last rower in bring crates back to the boathouse.
• After using the hose, shut the water off, drain and hang up the hose.
• Hang wet towels on the clothesline. Put dry towels in the towel basket. There is no maid service.
• If you use one of the small rugs in the bathroom when taking a shower, hang it up on the towel rack when you’re done. Don’t leave it on the floor.
• If you are the last person to row, be sure to close and lock all boathouse doors when you leave. If someone is still on the water when you leave, pull the white door most of the way down, but don’t lock it, and rest it on the pink piece of foam. The grey double doors should always be completely closed and locked when not in use.