Gallery of Readers presents Doug Anderson and Rebecca Hart Olander reading from their work.
Sunday, September 29, 2024, at 4 PM
Florence Civic Center
99 Park Street
Florence, Massachusetts
Free and open to the public. Please come join us, all are welcome!
For those who can’t or prefer not to attend in person, a Zoom session will be available from 3:45 p.m. EDT on the day of the reading. (Be aware no admittance to the Zoom session after 4:05 p.m. for security purposes). Contact Robin or Carol — or one of the readers — for secure access to the zoom link.

Doug Anderson
Doug Anderson’s first full length book of poems, The Moon Reflected Fire, won the Kate Tufts Discovery Award; Blues for Unemployed Secret Police won a grant from the Academy of American Poets. His third book, Horse Medicine, was published by Barrow Street, and his most recent book, Undress, She Said, was published by Four Way Books. Poems from these books have won two Pushcart Prizes, a fellowship from The National Endowment for the Arts, and grants from the Massachusetts Artists Foundation and Massachusetts Cultural Council. He won the Emily Balch Prize from the Virginia Quarterly Review. He has published poetry in the Massachusetts Review, Field, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, and many other literary journals. His memoir, Keep Your Head Down, was published by W.W. Norton in 2009.

Rebecca Hart Olander
Rebecca Hart Olander’s poetry and collaborative visual and written work has appeared in print, online, and in multiple anthologies. A winner of the Women’s National Book Association Poetry Award, her books include Dressing the Wounds (dancing girl press, 2019) and Uncertain Acrobats (CavanKerry Press, 2021), an Eric Hoffer Book Award Category Finalist and a Massachusetts Center for the Book “Must-Read” selection. Rebecca has taught writing at Amherst and Smith colleges, Westfield State University, and through Pioneer Valley Writers’ Workshop, and she works with poets in the Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing. She is the editor/director of Perugia Press.