Welcome to the Gallery of Readers Press Podcasts!
Each podcast celebrates a local author through a brief interview followed by a selected reading.
The podcasts are hosted and produced by Larkin Pazanova for the Gallery of Readers Press.

Purloined Poesy by John Broglio
John Broglio reads an excerpt from his chapbook, Towards the Pebbled Shore, in which he imagines an aged Shakespeare dictating stories from his life to a young scribe.

House by Suzanne Smith
Suzanne Smith reads a long excerpt from her chapbook, Ag & Gunner, a poignant memoir centering around her grandparent’s relationship and her experience of their later years.

On The Edge by Kathie Fiveash
Deeply nature-connected poet, naturalist, writer, teacher, grandmother, and faithful friend Kathie Fiveash reads a selection of poems about her experiences living in the woods and on the wild coast of Maine.

Wading Through Quicksand by Lisa Ekus
Successful culinary book publisher and holder of the Guinness World Record for largest personal cookbook collection Lisa Ekus reads selections of memoir and food writing.

Snow White through the Lens of Art History by Susan Cocalis
Susan Cocalis, a professor for 38 years teaching classes such as “Grimms to Disney”, reads a selection of clever, playful, and brilliantly creative poems. You can read more of Susan’s work in her book of verses, Lessons out of School.