You can see a video of the reading here.

It took composer and college teacher Donald Wheelock forty years of writing formal poetry to reach the stage of submitting it for publication. Kelsay Books has just released his first full-length book of poems, It’s Hard Enough to Fly. Formal poetry, once relegated to second fiddle in a career of writing chamber, vocal and orchestral music, now demands equal time. Indeed, it has taken over his life. Within the past few years his poems have appeared or will appear in publications that welcome formal poetry: Able Muse, Think, Blue Unicorn, Ekphrasis, The Road Not Taken, Third Wednesday, Verse-Virtual, Lighten Up Online, and many other journals. His chapbook, In the Sea of Dreams, is available from Gallery of Readers Press, Northampton, MA. Wheelock is Professor Emeritus of Music at Smith College. He has received grants as a composer from The National Endowment for the Arts and the Guggenheim Foundation. He lives with his wife Anne in an old house at the edge of a hayfield in Whately, Massachusetts.

Deborah Warren’s work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry, and The Yale Review. Her books: Ausonius (translation): The Moselle and Other Poems (2017, Routledge), The Size of Happiness (2003, Waywiser Press), Zero Meridian (2004, Ivan R. Dee) for which she was awarded the New Criterion Poetry Prize, Dream With Flowers and Bowl of Fruit (2008, Evansville), for which she was awarded the Richard Wilbur Award, Strange to Say: Etymology for Serious Entertainment, (Paul Dry, 2021), Connoisseurs of Worms, (Paul Dry, 2021). She’s also received the Robert Penn Warren Prize, the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award, the Meringoff Award. Born in Boston and educated at Harvard, Ms. Warren has taught Latin and English, been a software engineer, a farmer, raised nine children. She lives with her husband in Massachusetts.