Gallery of Readers presents Judy Lewis & Rebecca Rice reading from their work.
Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 4 PM
Florence Civic Center
90 Park Street
Florence, Massachusetts
Free and open to the public. Please come join us, all are welcome!
For those who can’t or prefer not to attend in person, a Zoom session will be available from 3:45 p.m. EDT on the day of the reading. (Be aware no admittance to the Zoom session after 4:05 p.m. for security purposes). Contact Robin or Carol — or one of the readers — for secure access to the zoom link.

Judy Lewis
Judy Lewis moved to Northampton from Phoenix, Arizona three years ago, at the beginning of winter during the pandemic. She started writing poetry as a way to make sense of this experience. A visual artist, she has also had a long and varied career in healthcare as a Nurse Practitioner and in community public health. Of her 45 years in nursing she says, “My biggest regret is that I never wrote any of it down.”

Rebecca Rice
Rebecca Rice is the author of A Time to Mourn: One Woman’s Journey through Widowhood, referenced in several studies on memoir and grieving. She has published essays and articles in The New York Times, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Adventure Magazine, The Hampshire Gazette, and The Berkshire Eagle. She teaches Writing and Literature at Springfield Technical Community College. She is currently working on revisions for a memoir about divorce. She belongs to four writing groups. Her favorite quote is from Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”