There is a video recording of the reading here.

Deborah Esther Schifter
Deborah Esther Schifter is a writer living in Northampton, Massachusetts. Most of her work has been in the field of mathematics education; Pearson, Heinemann, and Teachers College Press have published her books. Her personal essays have appeared in Solstice, Woven Tales Press, Hippocampus Magazine, and other publications.

Steffi Schamess
When Steffi Schamess is not writing, she is either worrying or bragging about her grandchildren, cultivating her fantasy of being the as-yet-undiscovered Grandma Moses of the writing world (while plugging away in Robin Barber’s writing workshop), participating in a most enjoyable and international group which gathers weekly on Zoom to read Shakespeare aloud, and traveling to visit far-flung relatives in Australia, Israel, Belgium and most exotic of all, Ohio.