Gallery of Readers presents Carolyn McKeown and Pril Cobb reading from their work.
Sunday, January14 at 4 PM
Florence Civic Center
90 Park Street, Florence, MA
(next door to Lilly Library)
Free and open to the public. Please come join us, all are welcome!
For those who can’t or prefer not to attend in person, a Zoom session will be available from 3.45 p.m. EDT on the day of the reading. (Be aware no admittance to the Zoom session after 4:05 p.m. for security purposes). Contact Robin or Carol — or one of the readers — for secure access to the zoom link.

Despite being a flute major in a previous life and having a degree in Environmental Journalism, Carolyn McKeown spent 40 years as a billing manager for hospitals and large group medical practices. After retiring two and a half years ago, she was shocked to find her fantasies of a spotlessly clean house, an immaculate garden and hours of free time to read the classics she never got to, would never be fulfilled. The house is in a perpetual state of dust and disarray, the garden is full of weeds and although she expects to surpass last year’s record of 116 books read, most of them have been from the 21st century. Carolyn writes, reads, knits and procrastinates in Southampton with her husband, Rich, their redbone coonhound, Jonas, and Max, the world’s most expensive cat who has used up three of his nine lives.

Pril Cobb
Pril Cobb has been writing first drafts of stories, poems and non-fiction off and on for the last fifty years or so. Since retiring from the practice of law in 2019, she has devoted more time to writing and aspires to complete second, third and fourth drafts. Pril has participated in Robin Barber’s weekly workshop for the past three years and has taken classes at Grub Street in Boston, her local writing center.
Lovely, evocative writing Pril – bridging lifetimes and generations.
Thank you,
Stefan Jacob
Victoria, BC