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The Zoom meeting opens at 3:45 pm on Sunday, February 20, 2022. — Jean, Libby, Rebecca, Adin, and Sharon will each read for about fifteen minutes.
Click here for video of the reading.

Libby Maxey
Libby Maxey is a senior editor at Literary Mama and the winner of the 2021 Pricemere Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in Emrys, The Maynard and elsewhere, and her chapbook, Kairos (2019), won Finishing Line Press’s New Women’s Voices contest. Her nonliterary activities include singing classical repertoire and mothering sons

Jean Blakeman
Jean Blakeman is a poet and editor. She holds a BA from Cornell University and an MA from University of Pennsylvania. Her poems have appeared in Silkworm, Compass Roads, and 56 Days of August. She is a board member of Perugia Press. She also served on the board of The Center for New Americans and is on the advisory committee for its annual “30 Poems in November!” literary fundraiser.

Rebecca Hart Olander’s writing and collaborations have appeared recently in Bracken, Jet Fuel Review, Massachusetts Review, Tinderbox, Tiny Spoon, and others. Books include a chapbook, Dressing the Wounds (dancing girl press, 2019), and Uncertain Acrobats (CavanKerry Press, 2021). Rebecca teaches at Westfield State University and in the Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Wilkes University. She is the editor/director of Perugia Press.

Adin Adin Thayer, of Northampton, Massachusetts, won the Patricia Bibby First Book Award in 2021 for her book, The Close World, published by Tebot Bach. She has worked as a psychotherapist, a teacher at the Smith College School for Social Work, and a peace building facilitator in several African countries. She is the mother of two daughters.

Sharon Tracey is the author of two poetry collections, Chroma: Five Centuries of Women Artists (Shanti Arts, 2020) and What I Remember Most is Everything (All Caps Publishing, 2017). Her poems have appeared in Radar Poetry, Lily Poetry Review, Pirene’s Fountain, The Banyan Review, Terrain.org, SWWIM, and elsewhere. She serves on the editorial team for the journal Silkworm and on the board of Perugia Press. sharontracey.com