CategoryReading Events

March 27, 2022, Julia Mckenzie Munemo & Robin Barber


Click here for the Zoom link
The Zoom meeting opens at 3:45 pm on Sunday, March 27, 2022. — Julia and Robin will each read for about 30 minutes.

Click here for video of reading.

Julia mckenzie munemo

Julia McKenzie Munemo completed a bachelor’s degree at Bard College and a master’s in education at Harvard. She worked in educational publishing for almost two decades before earning an MFA in creative nonfiction from the Stonecoast Program at the University of Southern Maine. After the publication of her first book, The Book Keeper: A Memoir of Race, Love, and Legacy, in 2020, she appeared on several podcasts, including Dani Shapiro’s Family Secrets. She currently works as the Director of the Williams College Writing Center and teaches an undergraduate nonfiction workshop, “The Personal is Political,” during Williams’ Winter Study Program. She lives with her family in western Massachusetts.

robin barber

Robin Barber was born in Northampton in 1947. He returned to town in 1993 after adventures in Vermont, Indiana, and British Columbia, Canada. Robin leads writing workshops, and is the managing director of Gallery of Readers Press.

February 20, 2022, Libby Maxey, Jean Blakeman, Rebecca Olander, Adin Thayer, Sharon Tracey 


Click here for the Zoom link
The Zoom meeting opens at 3:45 pm on Sunday, February 20, 2022. — Jean, Libby, Rebecca, Adin, and Sharon will each read for about fifteen minutes.

Click here for video of the reading.

Libby Maxey

Libby Maxey is a senior editor at Literary Mama and the winner of the 2021 Pricemere Poetry PrizeHer work has appeared in Emrys, The Maynard and elsewhere, and her chapbook, Kairos (2019), won Finishing Line Press’s New Women’s Voices contest. Her nonliterary activities include singing classical repertoire and mothering sons

Jean Blakeman

Jean Blakeman is a poet and editor. She holds a BA from Cornell University and an MA from University of Pennsylvania. Her poems have appeared in SilkwormCompass Roads, and 56 Days of August.  She is a board member of Perugia Press.  She also served on the board of The Center for New Americans and is on the advisory committee for its annual “30 Poems in November!” literary fundraiser.  


January 23, 2022, David Gillham & Dan Levy


Click here for the Zoom link
The Zoom meeting opens at 3:45 pm on Sunday, January 23, 2022. — David and Dan will each read for about one half hour.

Click for video of reading.

David Gillham

David R. Gillham is author of City of Women, a New York Times bestselling novel, and of Annelies:  A Novel of Anne Frank.  He studied screen­writing at the University of Southern California before becoming a novel­ist. After moving to New York City, Gillham spent more than a decade in the book business, and he now lives with his family in western Massachusetts.  His latest novel is entitled Shadows of Berlin, and launches in April.

Dan Levy

Daniel Levy grew up in Florida, wandered about in his youth, and settled in Northampton about 26 years ago. His chief past times are medicine, public health, music, and natural history.  He started writing regularly about 20 years ago in the Vernon Street workshops and continues to squeak out a story or poem for public consumption about once a month.   When he isn’t galavanting around the globe giving readings and interviews, he spends idle hours working as an Internist, wandering around Mount Tom, and banging fruitlessly on a guitar.    

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