

GALLERY OF READERS began in 1991 as an informal reading series in the art gallery of Northampton’s Forbes Library, organized by Carol Edelstein for the writers in her weekly writing workshops. When the audiences outgrew the space, Professor Bob Averitt of Smith College arranged for the readings to continue in the Neilson Library browsing room. Up to 24 writers read their work during monthly readings in this welcoming space through 2017, when the College began renovations to the Library.  The College kindly made available a classroom for the reading series, until March of 2020, when Covid 19 required the readings to go virtual.

Since 1994, Gallery of Readers Press has published books by established and emerging writers from western Massachusetts. Each year since 1991, up to 24 writers have read their work in the Gallery of Readers series. Recordings of many of these readings are available in the Archives section of this website. The Pineapple online ‘zine presents work by local writers. This website is maintained by the Press to support and encourage these programs, and to make available publications for sale. Since 2010, Gallery of Readers Press has operated as a 501(c)3 private foundation, funded by grants and your donations.

Carol Edelstein

Carol Edelstein

Carol Edelstein, with Robin Barber, co-founded Gallery of Readers Press. With Liz George, she edits Switch, a journal of micro fiction. She is the author of three books of poems, most recently Past Repair (Simian Press, 2021). Her poetry and fiction have been featured in numerous anthologies and literary magazines, including The Massachusetts Review, The Georgia Review, and Alaska Quarterly Review. 

Carol Edelstein can be contacted through the contact form on this website

Robin Barber

Born 1947 in Northampton, Robin Barber, M.A., is a writer, teacher, and photographer. Certified by Amherst Writers and Artists leadership program, Robin has been in writing workshops since 1987, and leading the Wednesday evening and Monday morning workshops since 1997. Robin is the managing director of Gallery of Readers Press.

Robin Barber can be contacted through the contact form on this website

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Gallery of Readers